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McKinley Park offers a huge swaths of secluded terrain that’s accessible via a backcountry hiking permit (just try to stay out of the eye of other campgrounds). That said, nude hiking in a state this vast and underpopulated has become a trend. Daytrippers should check out Gymo-Vita Park, a clothing-optional space east of Birmingham (for families and couples only), featuring a lodge, pool and more than 110 acres of trails for in-the-buff hiking.

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But, if you’re looking to get nekkid, there are several nudist resorts and campgrounds scattered throughout the state. Yup, the Deep South is pretty conservative when it comes to nudity. Here are the best places to bare all in every state.ĪLSO: 7 steamy adults only Caribbean resorts (NSFW) Alabama If you’re seeking an afternoon or two of idyllic undressed freedom, be it a nude beach, a topless pool or a hike in the buff, it’s a lot easier to find than you may imagine: To varying degrees, there’s a place in every single state in the US where you can satisfy your inner exhibitionist, naturist or occasional desire to hang out in nothing but your birthday suit.

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